This week one of the farms I work for had two calves, one is a real pretty thing silver with some small white stockings on its feet. It's been given the name of Bev. The other is black and white as a dairy cow on a holstein farm should be. However its very distinctive patterning is a half white and and half black face (Think two face from recent Batman film). Very pronounced. The owner when she went down to look upon the calving cow saw the face and said to herself "what an ugly calf". This heifers name is Hippo-Ellen. Having seen both of these calves, how unique they are I decided to take my kids over and get pictures. As you can see in the preeceding photos they were a bit shy but these calves are deffinetly unique. One ugly and one Cute, but from those I have polled they are both cute. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
Before I forget there is Buster a little dog of questionable background but a kid pleaser for sure. There are many times I have heard oh that dog is all bark and no bite. As I have been bitten by one of these dogs (ie J & S Rock's Schnauzer), I am hesitant to say that about any dog. However this dog barks at anything even its own shadow. For a dog it is a scared little thing the other day a huge storm rolled in, i'm talking thunder lightning and hail, owners were away and there was Buster in the milking parlour at my feet shaking away. Even after he got pooped on by a cow he still would not leave.