Kids in a Spiderweb

Kids in a Spiderweb

Monday, October 27, 2008

Video from Camp

Here is some more video from the camp.

Lost Time

Sunday Church Service

Time flies when you are having fun or when you have just had a new baby born into the family. We were blessed to have a new one added to our family in September, yes another little girl. Particulars were 8 lbs 13 oz, 20 1/2" long. She is a cutie. The drama invovled in getting a time arranged with the hospital and ob/gyn to induce labor is just crazy. In the end it was worth it as she is just so cute, smiles and sleeps throughout the night. What more could you ask for. And so far dad hasn't had to change any Nappies. ++++.
Of other particular note is our District Camp for the Nowra District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We went down to Narooma to the Island View Beach Resort. It was great they had a swimming pool, tennis court, Play Ground. We were able to sleep in one of the cabins which I am greatful for. The kids had tons of fun and even my wife enjoyed herself. Not so sure about 6 week old Q. I enjoyed my time playing with the kids in the pool and doing some tennis. I also got in on a game of pool Rugby. Let me just say that a 30 something mixing it up with a bunch of late teen early 20 somethings needs to be careful. Yes I stood my ground against the big guys but by the end I had a twisted ankle, jamed middle finger and scraped the skin off the bottom of my big toes. So for my youthful indescretion I spent the rest of the day keeping up with my pre teens trying to act like I wasn't hurt and flipping everybody off around me cause I couldn't bend that damn middle finger.
Oh well you live and learn. The higlight however was sacrament meeting being held on Sunday amongst the trees. Very special and very moving. Listening to a young man about to serve his mission and seeing him feel as he did about the gospel was inspirational. It was a unique experience one that I am glad my family and I were able to attend.
I am posting pictures and video with this post please enjoy.

Give Big Z a chance he will amuse.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Guessing Baby's Due Date

My wife is just two weeks from having a baby so I have gone and asked brothers, sisters and in-laws to have a guess of Lenghth, Wieght, Day and Time So Here goes
8 lb
5 Sept
9:30 PM
19 1/2"
6 lb 13 oz
10 Sept
7:03 PM
7 lb 4 oz
7 Sept
5:00 AM
9 lb 4 oz
4 Sept
12:00 PM
20 1/2"
8 lb 15 oz
4 Sept
3:16 PM
Bakers Delight
9 lbs 2 oz
2 Sept
1:11 PM
Window Guy
8 lb 5 oz
9 Sept
2:00 PM
WG's Stage Queen
8 lb 2 oz
12 Sept
3:30 AM
7 lb 9 oz
9 Sept
4:22 PM
Wal-Mart Manager
8 lb 2 oz
5 Sept
2:35 AM
Tooele Journo
19 1/4 "
7 lb 9 0z
12 Sept
3:03 AM
Morgan Cowgirl
20 1/2"
7 lb 8 0z
7 Sept
10:19 PM
This is just a little fun but the most important is that Mago is well and the little one is healthy and all there. We will let you know as soon as we get the news ourselves.

Monday, August 25, 2008


On August 8 my Grandma Bohman died. This day is momorable for many reasons the main being the time that the call came. Earlier that day I had gone to work and just as I got home my mum called and let me know that Grandma was ok and still alive, my dad talked to me at that time and told me he was sure that death was near but figured it would be another day or so. As a family we went about are daily activites. We were getting ready to watch the olympics opening ceremony when my mum called back again and told me that Grandma had passed away. I remember sitting there just stunned, I hadn't expected it to go that quickly. Any how this news combined with the fact that I had been up since 3 a.m. meant that I made it through only 1 hour of the opening ceremonies (thankfully there is TIVO) Mum made it about a 1/2 hour. T & K didn't even make it to the opening. B made it about 2 hours. However the gold medal for this night must go to Z, he managed to watch till about 1 am fell asleep for a couple of hours then woke up and watched the replay from about the time he started falling asleep. He is our late night olympic champion. Of even greater note is that the next day he managed to stay smiling and happy.

So today I dedicate this to my Grandma and Son, Life Hero and late night olympic watching champion.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Eye of the Beholder

This week one of the farms I work for had two calves, one is a real pretty thing silver with some small white stockings on its feet. It's been given the name of Bev. The other is black and white as a dairy cow on a holstein farm should be. However its very distinctive patterning is a half white and and half black face (Think two face from recent Batman film). Very pronounced. The owner when she went down to look upon the calving cow saw the face and said to herself "what an ugly calf". This heifers name is Hippo-Ellen. Having seen both of these calves, how unique they are I decided to take my kids over and get pictures. As you can see in the preeceding photos they were a bit shy but these calves are deffinetly unique. One ugly and one Cute, but from those I have polled they are both cute. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
Before I forget there is Buster a little dog of questionable background but a kid pleaser for sure. There are many times I have heard oh that dog is all bark and no bite. As I have been bitten by one of these dogs (ie J & S Rock's Schnauzer), I am hesitant to say that about any dog. However this dog barks at anything even its own shadow. For a dog it is a scared little thing the other day a huge storm rolled in, i'm talking thunder lightning and hail, owners were away and there was Buster in the milking parlour at my feet shaking away. Even after he got pooped on by a cow he still would not leave.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Start

Here is to starting,

i've read others and thought this might be a good way to share with the fam back in the states. Anyhow here is to many more posts, stories etc. Of course at this point none of us look like this picture. I have no beard, Mum is eight months pregnant, and the girls all have their hair much shorter. Well, maybe Z looks the same.
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